Looking ahead, January-February 2022

[Midnight Oil - Resist]

Midnight Oil, Resist, Feb. 22

Billed as the final Midnight Oil, Resist finds the environmentally-conscious Australian band topical as ever. And it’s been four decades since they drew attention to these issues. How much progress have we made since?

Tears for Fears, The Tipping Point, Feb. 22

I saw a lot of people online express excitement over the return of Tears for Fears, and yet, I don’t remember that much attention being drawn to their last album, 2004’s Everybody Loves a Happy Ending. I have to admit, that album is my least played of theirs.

Utada Hikaru, BAD Mode, Feb. 23

I can’t think of a more appropriate title to describe the zeitgeist of the early 2020s. A digital release on Jan. 19 precedes the physical release in February.


Enya, “May It Be”, Jan. 7

Enya has been around long enough for her albums to receive the deluxe reissue treatment, but I also get the sense she’s pretty ambivalent of such reissues. So this vinyl reissue seems more like the label trying to make sure people know Enya is still around. Jan. 7 is a US import release date. The single is already available in the UK.

Soundtrack, Lost in Translation, Jan. 7

This soundtrack gets occasional vinyl reissues that sell out quick and fetch exorbitant prices on Discogs. So yeah, I’m going to try to snag a copy.

PJ Harvey, Let England Shake, Jan. 28

I picked up this album and Rid of Me from the thrift store at the same time, and I like both albums. But Rid of Me monopolized more of my player time. I’ve still eagerly awaited this vinyl reissue, nonetheless.

The White Stripes, Elephant, March 25
The White Stripes, Get Behind Me Satan, March 25
The White Stripes, Icky Thump, March 25

I’d say I’m more interested in the Elephant reissue over Get Behind Me Satan. I haven’t listened to Icky Thump.

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